Explore publications related to NTR conferences as well as from its organizing members and other contributors.
NTR Publications
Political Theories in East Asian Context, ed. Jun-Hyeok Kwak, Routledge
Journal of Comparative Philosophy, 5:2, 2014
Selected, Recent and Relevant Publications by NTR organizers
Hiroshi Abe
Gen ― sono Rogosu to Êtosu. Heidegger eno Ôtô [The Da (Das Da) ― its Logos and Ethos. A Response to Heidegger], Kôyô-Shobô, Kyoto, 2002
Kyôtogakuha no Isan ― Sei to Shi to Kankyô [The Heritage of Kyoto-School Philosophy. Life, Death and Environment] (Co-author), Kôyô-Shobô, Kyoto, 2008.
“From Symbiosis (kyôsei) to the Ontology of ‘Arising Both from Oneself and from Another (gûshô)’” in Environmental Ethics in Asian Philosophy, ed. Baird Callicott et al., SUNY Press, Albany, 2014
“Umweltethik im modernen Japan” in: Begriff und Bild der modernen japanischen Philosophie, ed. Christian Steineck et al., Frommann-Holzboog, Stuttgart, 2014;
“Nishida und Heidegger über das Selbstsein” in: Nishida Kitaro in der Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts, ed. Rolf Elberfeld et al., Karl Alber, Freiburg / München, 2014
“Madame la métaphysique se meurt, madame la métaphysique est morte?” in: Wozu Metaphysik? Historisch-systematische Perspektiven, ed. Christopher Erhald et al., Karl Alber, Freiburg / München, 2017.
Matthias Fritsch
Taking Turns with the Earth: Phenomenology, Deconstruction, and Intergenerational Justice (Stanford University Press, 2018)
Book Symposium 2020 on Taking Turns in the journal Ethics and Politics
Eco-Deconstruction: Derrida and Environmental Philosophy (a collection of 15 chapters, edited and with introduction by Matthias Fritsch, Philippe G. Lynes, and David Wood; Fordham University Press, 2018); reviews:
The Promise of Memory: History and Politics in Marx, Benjamin, and Derrida (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2005; paperback 2006)
Reason and Emancipation. Essays in Honour of Kai Nielsen (co-editor, with Michel Seymour; New York: Humanity Books, 2007)
“Democratic Representation, Environmental Justice, and Future People” in: Representations and Rights of the Environment, ed. Peter Stoett and Sandy Lamalle, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming)
“Asymmetrical Reciprocity in Intergenerational Justice” in: Future Design: Incorporating Preferences of Future Generations for Sustainability, ed. Tatsuyoshi Saijo, Berlin: Springer, 2020, pp. 17-36.
“From Bio- to Eco-Deconstruction” CR: The New Centennial Review 19:3, 35-64 (2019).
“An Eco-Deconstructive Account of the Emergence of Normativity in ‘Nature’” in Eco-Deconstruction: Derrida and Environmental Philosophy, ed. M. Fritsch, P. Lynes, D. Wood, New York: Fordham University Press (2018)
“‘La justice doit porter au-delà de la vie présente’: Derrida on Ethics Between Generations” Symposium 21:1, 231-253 (2017)
“Democracy, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice” Mosaic 48.3, 27-45 (2015)
“Europe’s Constitution for the Unborn” in Europe after Derrida, ed. by Agnes Czajka and Bora Isyar (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013)
Mario Wenning
The Right to Resist: Philosophies of Dissent, [coedited with Thomas Byrne], Bloomsbury,
forthcoming 2021.
The Human Animal-Boundary: Crossing the Line in Philosophy and Fiction, edited with Nandita Batra (Lexington Press 2018)
Between Tragedy and Reconciliation: Utopia and History in Critical Theory (New York: New School University, 2007).
“Animal Wisdom” in: Philosophy East and West (forthcoming, July 2021)
“The Missionary as Medium: China and the Origins of Enlightenment Tolerance”, in Revista de Cultura, vol. 64, 2020, 26-41.
“Heimspiele: Kulturelle Identität in Zeiten des Populismus”, in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, vol. 68:1, 2020, 319-323
“The Dao of Existence: Jaspers and Laozi”, in: David Chai (ed.), Daoist Encounters with Phenomenology: Thinking Interculturally about Human Existence, Bloomsbury, 2020, 135-158.
“Intercultural Encounter in the Age of Hybridity: Response to Eric Nelson", in: Philosophy East and West, 70:1, 2020, 225-237.
“From the First to the Second Axial Age”, in: Minima Sinica, 31, 2019, 65-81.
“Recognition and Trust: Hegel and Confucius on the Normative Basis of Ethical Life.” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy (co-authored with Alexei Procyshyn), 2019, 18:1, 1-22.
“The Dignity of Utopian Imagination”, in: Saulius Geniusas and Dmitri Nikulin (eds.), Social Imaginaries, vol. 10, 2019, 181-198.
“The Rhythm of Action”, in: Hans Feger, Dikun Xie, Wang Ge (eds.), Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy, vol. 3 (Berlin: De Gruyter), 2018, 152-168.
“Tragic Recognition: Revisiting Hegel’s Conception of Ethical Life”, in: Frontiers of Philosophy in China, vol. 13:4, 2018, 483-504.
"Dialectics of Enlightenment, East and West", in: Journal of Chinese Philosophy, vol. 44:3-4, 2017, 251-274.
“Three Modes of Recovering Mysticism”, in: Existenz: An International Journal in Philosophy, Religion, Politics, and the Arts, vol. 12:2, 2017, 25-33.
"Mysticism and Peace of Mind: Reflections on Tugendhat and Daoism", in: Frontiers of Philosophy in China, vol. 12:4, 2017, p. 545-571. ISSN: 1673-3436.
"The Fate of Transcendence in Post-secular Societies", in: Nahum Brown and William Franke (eds.), Transcendence, Immanence, and Intercultural Philosophy, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2016, 259-282.
"Rational Mysticism: Hegel on Magic and China", in: Journal of Chinese Philosophy, vol. 42:4, 2016.
"Beyond the Tyranny of Values: Reflections on Schmitt in China", in: Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss in the Chinese-speaking World (Lexington, 2016).
"Utopian Thinking in Contemporary Chinese Philosophy", in: Hans Feger, Dikun Xie, Wang Ge (eds.), Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016), 421-434.
"Whose Equality?", in: Confluence: Journal of World Philosophies vol. 2, 2015, 153-166.
"Tragic Knowledge and Karmic Release", in: Atenea, vol. 34 1-2, 2014, 2015, p. 9-24.
"Heidegger and Zhuangzi on the Nonhuman. Towards a Transcultural Critique of (Post)Humanism", in: Chloë Taylor, Neil Dalal (eds.), Rethinking the Non-Human (New York: Routledge, 2014), 93-111.
"Crossing Boundaries: Zhuangzi and Basho on the Art of Travelling", in: Hans-Georg Moeller and Andrew Whitehead, Landscape and Travelling East and West: A Philosophical Journey (London: Bloomsbury, 2014), 9-22.
"Practical and Utopian Wisdom", in: Practical Philosophy Review [Chinese version translated by Lu Chunying], 2013, 83-94.