NTR 1, Macau, China, 2013
April 12-14, 2013
April 12
9:30 Opening Ceremony and Welcoming Remarks
Chinese Orchestra Performance
Hiroshi Abe, Matthias Fritsch, Mario Wenning (Organizing Committee)
Shizhou Wang (Professor of Law, Peking University, Ambassador Scientist and Humboldt Prize Recipient)
Haydn Chen (Vice Rector, University of Macau, and Humboldt Prize Recipient)
Group Photo
10:00-13:00 Dimensions of Responsibility (moderator: William Franke)
Ryosuke Ohashi (Hannover)
Anti-Nature In Nature Itself: On the Basic Conditions of Responsibility
Mario Wenning (Macau)
Natural Responsiveness: A Daoist Alternative to Environmentalism
Thomas Buchheim (Munich)
Two Concepts of Human Responsibility and Their Common Prerequisites
13:00 Cantonese Lunch (Hotel Regency)
15:00-18:00 Responsible Action and the Future (moderator: Hiroshi Abe)
David Wood (Vanderbilt)
Only Connect: Is A Cyber-noosphere the Last Best Hope?
Changfu Xu, presented by Yuchuan Lin (Guangzhou)
Ecological Tension: Between Minimum and Maximum Changes
Kazunobu Nemu (Kyoto)
The Goodness of Nature in Leibniz ― Can “Things” Lead to the Divine City?
April 13
9:00-12:00 Responsibility and Intergenerational Relationships (moderator: Shizhou Wang)
Matthias Fritsch (Montreal)
The Intergenerational Time of Inhabiting the Biosphere
Kristóf Fenyvesi (Jyväskylä)
Dionysian Biopolitics: Nature, Time, Responsibility and Karl Kerényi’s Concept of Indestructible Life
Janna Thompson (Melbourne)
Moral Motivations and Intergenerational Relationships
12:00 Portuguese Lunch (Bus trip to Pousade de Coloane)
15:00–18:00 Western Perspectives (moderator: Matthias Fritsch)
Phil Lynes (Montreal)
Living-On as Econstruction: Derrida and the Bio-Temporality of Environmental Ethics
Alexei Procyshyn (Macau)
The Nature of Nature- and World-Making
Kwok-Kui Wong (Hong Kong)
Schelling on Time and Nature
April 14
9:45 Taijiquan Performance
10:00–13:00 Eastern Perspectives (moderator: Mario Wenning)
Hiroshi Abe (Kyoto)
The Groundwork for Protecting Nature – From a Japanese Point of View
William Franke (Macau & Vanderbilt)
All or Nothing? Nature in Chinese Thought and the Apophatic Occident
Trish Glazebrook (Denton)
Responsibility and Climate Change: Temporality and Community Voice in India’s Energy Policy
15:00 City Tour of Macau (meeting point in front of Regency Hotel)
18:30 International Dinner (Macau Tower)
April 15 Departure